
The right amount of sleep plays a vital role in helping you express health. We spend about one third of our life doing so. Have too little and it can play havoc with your health. Getting the right amount of quality sleep is just as essential as food and water.

The brain relies on you getting good quality sleep to maintain and form new neural pathways. Necessary for learning, creating new memories, concentration and reacting to your environment, both internally and externally.

During sleep the brain remains very active. Removing toxins from the brain that build up during the time you are awake. The amount of sleep varies, especially depending on age. Most adults need 7-9 hours. There is a common belief that if you sleep less in the week you can “catch up” at the weekend. This however may not be adequate.

Lack of sleep can cause:

  • Memory issues

  • Mood changes

  • Weakened immunity

  • Trouble thinking

  • Reduced concentration

  • High blood pressure

  • Weight gain

  • Increased sympathetic activity (increased stress response)

Tips for getting a good nights sleep:

  • Set a schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the time each day

  • Exercise and move daily. Ideally at the start of the day

  • Avoid caffeine later on in the day or all together

  • Have a routine to wind down at the end of the day

  • Use your bedroom to SLEEP. Not watch TV or scroll on your phone

  • Sleep with the window open. Allowing fresh cool air to circulate

  • If you can’t get to sleep don’t lie there stressing. Get up and fo something else for a bit.

  • At least one hour before bed have a digital detox. This is important to let your brain start to wind down and gives you a break from blue light.
