Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

My big 3

I was diagnosed back in 2013 with a bone tumour, situated in my pelvis. With multiple reoccurrences and major surgery under my belt, I have had to learn to live my life in 3 month chunks. This is due to regular check-ups at the hospital. I have learnt to take this challenge and turn it around and use it as a gift, helping me create the life I want. I hope some of the things that I have learnt can help you too!

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

The Climb of a Lifetime: My Journey to Conquer “Everest” in the Lake District.

As I write this, It is just over one week away and then I will I be taking part in a challenge that once seemed insurmountable (even before the surgery!), I’m filled with a mix of excitement, fear, and profound gratitude. On the 12th September, I’ll begin a 48-hour hike, hoping to reach the equivalent height of Mount Everest—8,848 meters—by ascending and descending a mountain in the Lake District 9.2 times.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Finding Structure in Chaos

Becoming a father has been an extraordinary journey so far! Filled with profound joy, responsibility, an unshakeable sense of purpose and a love I have never experienced before. But let’s be honest —fatherhood can also be overwhelming.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

More on gut Health

Chronic stress can intricately disrupt gut permeability through multiple interconnected pathways. One significant mechanism involves the induction of inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract. Stress triggers the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediators, promoting inflammation in the gut mucosa.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Why do I Procrastinate?

Procrastination can be a huge obstacle on the path to success, holding you back from reaching your full potential. However, there are effective strategies to overcome it. In this blog I will explore 3 ways to help you stop procrastinating and making progress.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Get comfortable at being uncomfortable

Embracing discomfort is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and resilience. As human beings, our instinctual desire for comfort often impedes our progress and limits our potential. However, when we learn to embrace discomfort, we unlock a wealth of opportunities for self-improvement, evolution, and success.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

The Power of Positive Thinking and Affirmations

The good news is, there a simple practices you can do to benefit yourself. They don’t take long and if done consistently can pay dividends when improving you health. One such powerful tool is the practice of positive thinking and affirmations.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Nurturing the Mind-Body Connection

In today's fast-paced world, chronic stress has become a common companion for many people. Juggling multiple responsibilities, dealing with demanding work environments, and navigating personal challenges can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and drained. However, in the pursuit of holistic health and wellness, it is crucial to prioritise self-compassion and self-care as essential components of stress management.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Holistic Approaches to Stress Management: PART 2

To thrive in life, it is essential to be able to manage stress naturally and regulate your nervous system. We are at a point in history where daily stressors are inevitable. Not to mention life changing events that we will all experience at some point.

To cultivate self-awareness is what this blog is all about. I will go over things you can do to to help you better manage and adapt to your daily stressors.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Holistic Approaches to Stress Management: Part 1

If you are up to date with my blog posts, you will see I talk/write about stress a lot. The importance of being able to manage life’s inevitable stressors, create ease and regulate your nervous system cannot be ‘stressed’ enough. Pun absolutely intended. Stress management is an important pillar of our health. Without structures and plans in place it doesn’t take long for life to become overwhelming.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Unlocking the Power of Intermittent Fasting

In a world that's constantly bombarded with diet trends and health fads, intermittent fasting has emerged as a popular and scientifically-backed approach to achieving not just weight loss, but overall well-being. Intermittent fasting, or IF, involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, and it has gained huge popularity for its potential health benefits and positive physiological effects on the body.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Navigating Overwhelm

Overwhelm is a common experience, but it doesn't have to control your life. By understanding its causes and implementing these practical tips, you can regain control, find balance, and navigate life's challenges with greater ease. Remember, it's okay to ask for help, prioritise self-care, and embrace imperfection. You've got this! 💪

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Maintaining a Healthy Mindset

In the chaos of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the silent architect shaping our reality - our mindset. The lens through which we perceive the world profoundly influences our well-being, relationships, and overall happiness. Cultivating a healthy mindset is not just a luxury; it's an essential investment in our mental and physical health.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Hydration: Vital for Health

How many glasses of pure water 💧 do you drink a day? This is a question that I ask on the intake form of new clients I work with. The response I get a majority of the time is “not enough”.

By simply increasing your water intake you will feel and function so much better. If you were to make two changes this week, increasing your water intake and increasing your step count. You would start to notice an improvement in how you feel.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Why Grounding Is Essential For Health

Before I get into why grounding is essential for health I want you to ponder this fact. Some individuals go through life never putting their bare feet directly on the ground without rubber soled shoes or trainers on 🤔.

You might be thinking, why is this important? You might also be thinking that you really don’t want to put your feet directly on the ground. If you are asking yourself these two questions then this blog is for you.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Sleep well, eat well

Sleep Well, Eat Well: Navigating the Connection Between Sleep and Weight management.

Good quality sleep is one of the pillars of health that is a necessity when it comes to living a healthy, disease free life. Ideally we want to be getting 7-9 hours a night. When we are lacking in good quality sleep it can cause absolute havoc with our bodies.

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

Feeling Stuck?

When you find yourself stuck between a rock 🪨 and a hard place in terms of your health and wellness, it's essential to take small, manageable steps 🚶‍♂️ to keep moving forward.

⭐️Here are three tips to help you make progress, one step at a time:

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Nathan Chilton Nathan Chilton

6 Steps To A Stronger Immune System

We are exposed to viruses, bacteria, and an array of potential threats every single day.

Yes, even before December 2019!

And there is one system in our body that does an incredible job of protecting us and fighting off these unwanted, outside invaders.

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