Your health and wellness don’t only rely on the physical aspects of your daily routine. Often ignored and just as important as your mental health. 

To maintain a healthy lifestyle you need to eat well; perform some form of exercise/activity; rest and relax, and THINK WELL. 

This blog will help you focus on the “thinking well” aspect by highlighting the importance of having a clear mind and controlling your thoughts. This is key when trying to maintain a healthy mind, thus allowing you to “think well”. 

Meditation is an excellent, simple, effective way to maintain a clear mind and achieve this. 

Step by step for beginners: 

·      Sit or lie comfortably in a quiet environment

·      Close your eyes (listen to soft music if you wish)

·      Make no effort to control your breathing – simply breathe naturally.

·      Focus on your breathing, on how your body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage and belly. Focus without trying to control its pace or intensity. If your mind wanders return to focus on your breathing.

IT SOUNDS SIMPLE – Is that it!?! What’s the point? Does it really work?

YES!! The benefits of daily meditation are huge. 

·      Stress is reduced

·      Concentration is improved

·      Healthy lifestyle is encouraged

·      You will feel happier and more self-aware. 

I have recently read an excellent book by James Borg called “MIND POWER” 

It’s a great read, not directly linked to meditation but it expresses the importance of controlling our thoughts and by doing so changing our lives for the better. It’s easy to read and full of useful tips. 
